Etsy has just upgraded their website, improving store function, shopping carts, imaging and more. There are some really creative and wonderful products here. Be sure to check out my favorites when you visit - I've bookmarked some of my favorite sellers and products from soap to just plain bizarre!
New in my store:
Elfish Stocking Cap - 39" LONG!!!
The colors are simply wild - not your traditional Christmas red & green!
Hooded Child's Poncho
I saw this pattern and wished I'd had it for Sam when he was smaller. Real easy on/off without having to wiggle little arms down tight sleeves.
I've already thought up a million variations for this one that I can't wait to try.
Knitting can be one of the most relaxing, yet productive activities. I love knitting in front of the TV on Sunday evenings. John and I watch our favorite shows and I produce fun items like this, with very little effort.