Saturday, March 31, 2018

Knit Up and Dye Episode 63 - Connection

In which I demonstrate the Kitchener Stitch with a "no donkey ears" modification. General discussion includes my return to knitting, a new sweater project, love for the Sweet Tea, No Shade Podcast CowlKAL. I show off a wonderfully generous gift from Tiffany at Tippy Tree Yarns and announce a giveaway. I also launch the Design Along. Come join the fun!

Knit Up & Dye

Host: Jessica L'Heureux

Ravelry: jesseknits
Ravelry Group: Knit Up & Dye Podcast
Instagram: dyemonkeyyarns

Theme Music:
"Throw the Hammer Hard" - Bob Log III
Thank you, thank you, Bob for letting me use this!
Buy his music at

Featured Patterns & Yarns:

"Coexist" by Claire Ellen - Free on Ravelry
"Daelyn Pullover" by Isabell Kraemer - Available on Ravelry

Vanna's Choice by Lion Brand Yarns

Tippy Tree Yarns by Tiffany Foppe
"Changing Aspens" fingering on Superwash Merino Single
"Riot" fingering on Superwash Merino Twist

Find Tippy Tree Yarns on...
Instagram: TippyTreeYarns

And watch Instragram: DyeMonkeyYarns for
the Tippy Tree Yarns giveaway
and win a skein of "Riot"
with a bunch of other goodies.

Design Along!
Join us on Ravelry in the "Knit Up & Dye Podcast" group.
Vote for a theme, design and win!

Open call for prize donations!
If you are feeling generous, I'm looking for design along prize
Please contact me at:

Colorway Chronicles: Monster Under My Bed

When you're little, monsters can be horribly scary. But, once you apply an understanding and welcoming of the more Henson-style monsters into your life, those friendly, happy, helpful creatures become lifelong friends.

This colorway is for the wonderful monsters that make us giggle and laugh, help us stay up late at night (when we're supposed to be sleeping), and are our friends in the quiet, imaginative, creative times. This particular monster is prone to hiding under my bed, making my room messier when I'm supposed to be cleaning it, and sticks out his tongue when I'm trying to keep a straight face. Where do your monster friends live and how do they make you laugh?

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Knit Up and Dye Episode 62 - Enough

I'm knitting again (finally!) and I've not only made progress on my Coexist Socks, but I participated in the Sweet Tea, No Shade #CowlKAL and completed a cowl. Quick dyeing demonstration just showing how I utilize airbrushing to add a little extra kick to sock blanks. General discussion on acrylic yarn and its appropriateness and worth. 

Ravelry: jesseknits
Ravelry Group: Knit Up & Dye Podcast
Instagram: dyemonkeyyarns

Theme Music:
"Throw the Hammer Hard" - Bob Log III
Thank you, thank you, Bob for letting me use this!
Buy his music at

Suggested Patterns and Podcasts:
(I'm not compensated for promoting anything -
these are just things I love!)

"Coexist" by Claire Ellen - Free on Ravelry

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Colorway Chronicles: Wrench Turner

Beauty can be found in unlikely places. "Wrench Turner" is an homage to one such place: the garage.

My husband is mechanically inclined and his love of motorcycles keeps him well entertained in our garage. I often will take my knitting (during the warmer months) and sit in the driveway while he changes tires, adjusts chains, performs oil changes and even rebuilds engines. It provides us companionable time, gives him a convenient third hand as necessary, and me the opportunity to watch my husband do what he loves in his favorite environment, which to me is a thing of beauty. I love to watch him, how he manipulates these parts and machines, selects the right greases and lubricants, and keeps his equipment in running order. It is a dirty ballet with a knowledge and a grace that fascinates me. And when his hands are dirty, I know he's happy.

"Wrench Turner" is my attempt to capture the smears and drops of grease and oil that so decorates a happy mechanic. This is an "organic" warm grey-brown tonal colorway. (Organic referencing the colors... green/brown undertones.)

Monday, March 19, 2018

Knit Up and Dye Episode 61 - Investments

I'm slowing returning to knitting, but continuing my physical therapy. I've acquired "Knitting Comfortably - The Ergonomics of Handknitting" by Carson Demers and briefly discuss its content. Quick update on my beading and general chatter. My knitting discussion this episode primary focuses on Classic vs. Trendy and choosing wisely what projects you invest time, effort and money into.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Colorway Chronicles: North Copper River

Sock blanks are great fun to dye. They afford interesting opportunities that skein dyeing does not. Because you are working with a fabric, rather than a bundle of strands, there are many more ways to apply the dyes with different results.

For "North Copper River" I combined techniques, utilizing wall pours, voids, resists and even a little speckling to get a glorious tonal quality of multiple colors that looks very much like a satellite photo of a river cutting through a barren land with multiple altitudes and depths. I find this colorway infinitely interesting to look at and great fun to create.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Knit Up and Dye Episode 60 - Perspective

I'm still not knitting, but I am dyeing. Dye demonstration included in this episode, as well as indie dyer business discussion, this month's Patreon drawings, update on 1000 things, peek at my beading and call for ideas for a gift I'd like to knit. Join me!