Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ready & WAITING...

We've completed almost all of the garden projects.  We've replaced the fence and given it a very proper gate.  We've installed the new compost bin, added soil to the gardens, fertilized, and even rigged dividers out of left over fence for the potato boxes.  Green Bin Farm is ready and waiting for the seedlings which are quickly taking over their starter boxes.  Now if Mother Nature would stop screwing around and get down to business, we could plant.  I'm grateful we held off planting as we had hail and snow off and on all day yesterday, but the zucchini threatens to flower already.  We have had to transplant seedlings to larger pots.  John and I have agreed Mother's Day Weekend should be safe enough for planting.  We will be setting up our irrigation when we plant.  The only remaining garden project will be building trellis(s), trelli...trelliesses... whatever... to withstand the pressures of high wind and 5 foot fully loaded heirloom tomato plants.  We've tried tomato gates and posts.  This year we're trying architecture.

Outside the garden, we are realizing it's time to address stucco maintenance.  Stucco is odd.  Siding be damned... let's wrap a house in chicken wire and mud it up with a plaster mud like mixture that bugs like to burrow in and cats like to scratch on.  That'll last!  It's actually really cool - our house is very insulted from the elements and you don't need to paint it really - only repair it from time to time.  But that repair thing is what scares us.  Stucco chips off.  We see a lot of chips/chunks.  We're afraid once we start scraping off the loose stuff we'll discover it's all loose stuff.  Barring Fear's hostile takeover, we'll be on the roof once the weather stabilizes to stucco-ing conditions.